Friday, March 9, 2007

8. Are You Planning On Posting Movie Releases And Trivia As Well?

No. I am not planning on posting release dates or trivia. Since this is a review site, I wanted to keep my focus on those reviews, thus giving me more time to make them the best reviews on the Internet!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

7. What Are Your Plans For Expansion?

I am hoping that, eventually, I can get some sort of sponsor. Once I get enough hits per day, I plan to email Drew and Mike on 101 The WRIF and see if they can do a drop for me. I'm looking way into the future on both of these though.

UPDATE: I have been speaking to various distribution companies about getting screeners so I can review them before they come out. Thus far I have gotten only a few responses, and they are not promising. I do not plan to give up this fight though, I will, eventually, get reviews for you before the movie comes out!

6. On The Bottom Of Your Page There Is A Link To "UHM". Who Are They? Are You An Affiliate?

I have no connection to UHM, unfortunately, but they are the most comprehensive and easy-to-use website about horror movies.

5. If I Request A Movie, When Can I Expect To See It Posted?

I am narrowing down the requested reviews to no longer than one (1) week.

4. How Often Do You Post Movies?

We try to post at least five (5) per week.

3. Why Do You Rate Movies 1-25?

Because we believe that there are many different areas to consider that must be taken into account. Jonny Cage's 1-25 scale allows for greater flexibility, allowing the expansion of my range of objectivity.

UPDATE: I have been getting more and more flak about this rating system. Frankly...I don't care. But just to clarify things a bit more, this system rates movies in their specific genres and sub-genres...I do not just pull these numbers out of my butt. The movies on this site are rated according to their individual genres and/or sub-genres restrictively.

2. Why Don't You Include Other Genres, Like Comedy or Action?

Because Jonny Cage's Horror Movie Reviews is dedicated to giving you the very best, and most concise, reviews possible on our favorite genre of all: Horror.

1. What Is The Purpose Of Your Site?

This site is dedicated to giving you great reviews on new, old, good, and bad horror movies. Mainly, it is for those of you who have been at your local video store and see a horror movie with a sweet cover but are not sure if you want to waste the $4.50 just to have it suck hardcore. So you can come to me, request it if it has not already been reviewed, and read my review of it, thus keeping your fragile mind clear of bad horror movies.